SEND & Inclusion


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Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

At Renaissance Nurseries, we uphold a steadfast commitment to the inclusion of every child. We believe that all children deserve the opportunity to thrive and develop to their fullest potential alongside their peers, irrespective of their individual needs. Our aim is to create a positive and welcoming environment where each child receives support tailored to their unique requirements. Discrimination or disadvantage based on a child's needs is unacceptable in our nursery. We understand that each child's needs are distinct, and we refrain from categorising them in any way. Instead, we prioritise collaboration with parents to address their child's individual needs effectively. Our dedication extends to accommodating children with specific needs or disabilities by making reasonable adjustments to ensure they can fully utilise our nursery's facilities. We affirm every child's right to access a diverse and enriching early learning environment. In instances where we suspect a child may have additional needs that have not been previously identified, we work closely with parents and relevant professionals to determine if further action is necessary.

For more information on our approach to supporting children with Special Educational Needs (SEN), please refer to our Inclusion Policy.

Equality of Opportunities/Inclusion

Our Equality of Opportunities Policy is designed to facilitate fair and inclusive practices in admissions, maximising access to Free Early Education Entitlement places. Through flexible options and support, we aim to assist parents in accessing employment, education, or training opportunities. Adherence to this Policy and Procedure guarantees that children are admitted equitably and consistently across our settings. Regardless of race, gender, religious belief or affiliation, intellectual or physical ability, or social and cultural background, all children will have equal opportunities to secure a place. In instances of oversubscription, places will be allocated in accordance with predetermined criteria to ensure fairness and transparency.

We implement equality and inclusion policies relating to the following Key Legislation:

•  Race Relations Act (1976)

•  Race Relations Amendment Act (2000)

•  Equality Act (2010)

•  Human Rights Act (1998)

•  School Standards & Education Framework Act (1998)

•  Children Act (2004)

•  Childcare Act (2006)

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